S4 - Episode 2 ~ Poly, Omni, Modular What?  ~ PolyInnovator 


In this episode of the Social Lights Podcast, podcast host and Social Mediology founder Kate vanderVoort chats with Dustin Miller who is an omni content creator, host of the Polymath Polycast, and creator of the Modular Degree Framework.

About Dustin

As an aspiring polymath, Dustin created PolyInnovator as a foundational means to build out the various careers he wanted out of life (A Polymath of Innovation if you will). He’s on a mission to create a Modular Education Platform to revolutionize how we approach education as whole and is currently building the Modular Degree System: a do it yourself, with help, framework for a modern approach to education.

He is the Host of The Polymath PolyCast, where he interviews multidisciplinary people. From a young age Dustin always wanted to make a difference, always thinking what can I do to change something, to make it better, more efficient, which led him to where he is today.

Dustin explains the meaning of the name of his business, poly means much or many and it just implies many different actions you can take and innovation being making a change in a certain area. The idea of a polyinnovator is someone with much or many learnings.


“When you have multiple skills, they are all applicable to different areas in your life” (08:59)

Dustin explains to us what it means to be a polymath and how a polymath has expert knowledge in many different areas. Unlike a “jack of all trades” that is an individual with maybe an average level of familiarity across a wide range of pursuits, when you have multiple skills there is an integration between these different knowledge areas, it can be used to expedite your learning in different skillsets.


“Create an education for people in a modern way.” (12:13)

He wanted to be able to learn a broad range of topics and he realised that he was not able to do this the traditional way. It would require doing several different university degrees and a massive time investment. He wanted to find his own way, a DIY education where he was able to create a foundation to explore any topic of interest. As the modern business world is moving in a direction where it requires people to be multidisciplinary, the traditional education pathways designed for specialisation is no longer effective. Dustin’s vision is a system of education that allows individuals to have the access to courses of programs to keep current in the ever-evolving industry.


“The idea of strategy plus automation multiplied by execution equals success.” (33:03)

Dustin’s goes into his personal formulae for social media success. There are so many different platforms that individuals and communities use to communicate and express themselves on, eg Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Slack, Discord and Clubhouse. It can sometimes be difficult, and time consuming to keep track and have a presence on all these apps, especially without a team behind you. He goes on to explain having a defined strategy and taking advantage of automation is the pathway forward.

Episode Links

You can find Dustin Miller, and more on Polyinnovator:





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Thanks for your time and stay inspired,

Kate vanderVoort

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